Taming Anxiety and Stress

Date(s) - 24/09/2022
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Relaxatin Centre of Queensland


Presenters: Lionel Fifield

and Tom Wixted                      

Stress and Anxiety can be like wild animals that snap and bite us and even seem to be incessantly chasing us.  It is then our anxieties accelerate and we may even start suffering from extreme reactions such as panic attacks and find it almost impossible to relax and rest.

The good news is there is so much we can do to calm these reactions and stop them jumping out at us when life around us begins to become overwhelming, foreboding or simply all too much.  The fact is that in these times huge numbers of people feel under pressure both at work and at home.

How good when we can again feel in charge of our minds and our bodies and can move into response rather than habitual reactions – empowerment rather than seeing ourselves as victims.

Lionel and Tom have both needed to work through extensive times of high anxiety in their lives and look forward to sharing ideas, insights and techniques with you so we can turn those reactions around and use them to our advantage and benefit.

FEE: $45 (discounts available)



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