Depression – A Different and Human Approach

Date(s) - 08/04/2018
10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Relaxation Centre of Queensland


  Dr Winfried Sedhoff

Here is an excellent session presented by a medical doctor with a deep understanding of not only depression but also what we can do to break the grip that depression can have over our lives, our energy and our relationships. Dr Sedhoff understands it because many years ago he suffered depression himself and brings you the opportunity to empower yourself without changing what you are currently relying on.

Winfried brings a very human approach to showing you how you can gradually grow to no longer needing those external aids and again feel the joy of being you.

Attendees have said that Dr Sedhoff’s session is one that would be invaluable to everybody whether they have depression or not. Don’t underestimate what these 3 hours could give you.

FEE: $45 (Repeaters $25). PLEASE BOOK.

Comments from participants in Winfried’s earlier courses

Great positive and upbeat presentation and delivery

A great deal of wisdom incorporated in the notion of balancing one’s family, self and community needs and particularly attending to one’s own needs.

Excellent; very good presenter with a clear practical approach

Very interesting, a great help to put things in perspective

Helped me understand depression in a different way. Gives us some hope and belief to feel better

Excellent!  So much food for thought

Dr. Winfried Sedhoff was an exceptional speaker.  His tips in the course were extremely helpful. I like his approach that you can overcome depression without medication

Inspiring – food for thought.  Will read the book.

The course contained great knowledge and walked away with help.


Bookings are closed for this event.