Film: Code: Debugging the gender gap

Date(s) - 21/09/2017
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Relaxation Centre of Queensland


Debugging The Gender Gap focuses on the lack of women and minorities in the field of software engineering. in New York.

The film focuses on inspiring young girls to pursue careers in computer science by profiling successful women in computer programming. By profiling and displaying the careers of these women, the film makers hope to show that computer science can be creative, lucrative, and rewarding.

The film traces the history of women in the U.S. technology industries. It then follows the decline of women graduates in mathematics and computer science during the 1980s, and a cultural shift that depicted men and boys as technology workers, and increasing hostility for women and girls in the tech industries. Additionally, the film highlights the work of women in the field, by featuring interviews with women in the tech industry.

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