Film: Dreams and Dreaming and Intuition

Date(s) - 24/05/2018
1:00 pm - 2:45 pm

Relaxation Centre of Queensland


Edgar Cayce was known as The Sleeping Prophet. He gave 14,500 personal readings in a sleep state. These contained the most remarkable insights on all aspects of life. Every year, tens of thousands of people from all over the world become interested in the life work of one ordinary man.

Though Cayce died more than half a century ago, the timeliness of the material in the readings is evidenced by approximately one dozen biographies and more than 300 titles that discuss various aspects of this man’s life and work. These books contain a corpus of information so valuable that even Edgar Cayce himself might have hesitated to predict their impact on the latter part of the twentieth century. Sixty years ago who could have known that terms such as “meditation,” “akashic records,” “spiritual growth,” “auras,” “soul mates,” and “holism” would become household words to hundreds of thousands?

Daily for over forty years of his adult life, Cayce would lie down on a couch with his hands folded over his stomach and allow himself to enter a self-induced sleep state. Then, provided with the name and location of an individual anywhere in the world he would speak in a normal voice and give answers to any questions about that person that he was asked. These answers, which came to be called “readings” were written down by a stenographer, who kept one copy on file and sent the other to the person who had requested the information.

Surprisingly, this knowledge was far greater than the simple 8th grade education Cayce had received as a child from a one-room school house in Kentucky. Even stranger, unless someone wrote what he said in trance, he had no memory of having said it. However, his trances provided information and treatment that led to the individual healing and cure of over 9000 documented cases. Many of those cured had diseases that are still deemed incurable and terminal today.

His extraordinary trances also gave in-depth information and guidance on man’s relationship to God, reincarnation, karma, the previous existence of Atlantis, history, and psychic predictions that are just now starting to prove true.

Further details about his life and work are explored in such classic works as “There is a River” by Thomas Sugrue, The Sleeping Prophet (1967) by Jess Stearn, Many Mansions (1950) by Gina Cerminara, and Edgar Cayce-An American Prophet (2000) by Sidney Kirkpatrick.

NOTE: We stock these and other books on Edgar Cayce in our Shop and have a number in our Library.

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