Free Preview of Courses Day

Date(s) - 03/02/2018
10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Relaxation Centre of Queensland

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Twelve Presenters offer a preview of the session/s they present

One of our greatest pleasures is offering this morning early each February to allow interested readers of our Programme to see, hear and get to know about twelve of our presenters.

Attendees love these sessions that are mostly for about 12-14 minutes. Many express amazement for all that they hear in those short times and the copious notes they often take away with them.

This is a wonderful opportunity to not only get ideas and insights free of charge but see which of the speakers you would like to do a course with once you see their style and the quality of their material. Please know that in line with all the guidelines of the Relaxation Centre nobody will pressure or push you into enrolling for a course. It never happens here.

Also, by way of a bonus, there is 20% off all stock in our Shop on this day as well. All refreshments provided – come and enjoy. Please let us know if you are coming.