Sonia Bailey

Sonia Bailey has been a Professional Reflexologist for many years.

Her Reflexology studies included: Lymph Drainage, Hormone Balancing, Maternity & Baby Reflexology, Facial & Hand Reflexology, Anatomy & Physiology; Biomechanics of the Feet; Reading the Feet; Brazilian Toe Technique; Foot care/Hygiene and Foot Exercises. Sonia has also studied TCM Meridian Therapy; Australian Bush Flower Essences; Metamorphosis; Aromatherapy; Ailment Metaphysical Reasons; Emmett Technique for Reflexologists; Myotherapy.

Sonia says she has been on a spiritual journey for 20 years and being exploring her natural healing abilities. She gives her courses with enormous enthusiasm, understand and humour. Participants come away with so many ideas, insights and possibilities.