Sandra really enjoys making Deep Relaxation available to people over a number of years with a short break at times. She loves it as a way of assisting others to quieten their minds and relax their physical bodies. Sandra presents these sessions on Thursdays 1-1.40.
In the early days of the Relaxation Centre we had close contact with Dr Ainslie Meares (considered the father/developer/pioneer of relaxation in the Western World.
Dr Meares was a Melbourne psychiatrist who wrote over 30 books, including Relief Without Drugs in the late 1960s. In this he said he feared humanity is working towards ever-increasing medication instead of recognising the extraordinary power we have within us to bring about our own healing.
Dr Meares wrote that he believed by stilling the body and calming the mind the inner conditions can be created wherein the body can quite naturally and effortlessly correct the chemical imbalances brought about by distress and disease – heart rates, blood pressure, and indeed the entire immune system can be regulated by regularly practicing meditation (this is the basis of our 40-minute Deep Relaxation sessions.