Kay Woodall

Kay Woodall Aug 2016Here are a little of the feedback from Kay Woodall’s presentation at the Centre in April.

Kay’s presentation was very helpful, informative and enjoyable. We learned which constitutional type we have predominantly – lots of suggestions were given for healthy routine and foods to suit each type. Good handouts really supported our information gathering.

A fantastic course with lots of information and I really enjoyed it. Would definitely come to another session.

Kay is a very knowledgeable and passionate presenter of Ayurveda and the course was very enjoyable with lots of helpful handouts.

I would love to come to more of Kay’s courses – she is a wealth of information and presents in a friendly, generous and approachable manner.

I received plenty of ideas about our food digestion and what foods to eat for our dosha. Thank you for sharing your knowledge Kay.

What a great presenter and I did get a lot of information from her session – Kay explained it well.