Karla Cameron

Karla provides hope and a deeper level of understanding for people with eating issues, whether you identify as struggling with emotional eating, binge eating, bulimia, anorexia or body image issues.

After surviving an abusive childhood, Karla went on to experience thirteen years of eating disorders. Karla is passionate about using her personal experience to help others find and embrace their own freedom.

Karla has been a presenter at the Relaxation Centre since 2004 and has assisted and inspired hundreds of people with her open and honest approach.

To see Karla’s presentations click https://www.relaxationcentreqld.org/events/ and Search Karla Cameron.

Comments about Karla’s workshops

Karla is kind and calm. I came in with thoughts of just listening but felt comfortable sharing very deep feelings about my thoughts right away. The small group was nice.

The course was very informative, well presented with lots of examples and discussion. I was able to understand more about my patterns and gained useful tips on working with them.