Hilda Brunckhorst

Hilda says that learning about the mind helps understanding your stress, which is a great help but not enough. Understanding your stress mainly addresses the stress about the stress. It’s the combination with learning about life and learning what the misunderstandings were that helps you to retrain your mind and really change things for yourself. She is Hilda Brunckhorst_2016motivated to help people understand stress and anxiety and the real cause of it in the mind, so they are able to understand themselves (and others) better and loves sharing insights about life that she has found help the conscious mind to retrain the subconscious mind in order to change things.

Hilda says, “Personally I have experienced how helpful these insights can be for decreasing stress and anxiety and how it can lift a lot of ‘weight off your shoulders’, for the rest of your life. It once got me out of postpartum anxiety”. Her sessions are full of humour so it is easier to take in.

Hilda has certificates in Life Coaching and Parenting Coaching, a Bachelors Degree in Social Work (spec. Youth Welfare) and a Masters Degree in Educational Science (spec. Adult Education with a focus on Personal Development).

Comments from 2 of Hilda’s participants

WOW! Life changing Course. I am extremely happy to have met Hilda and joined the course. The individual understanding I have gained about the way I have been stressed and finally UNDERSTANDING it and where it comes from has been fantastic. I highly recommend this course to anyone with stress and anxiety in their lives.

This course gives us a new view of when things go wrong, when it isn’t happening according to plan. We all loved what we were learning and everyone who enrolled came to every lesson. Now I have more understanding of why things are stressing me, and I’ve learned how to reduce the “automatic” stress and I’m teaching my sub-conscious (security guard) not to be so active, but to chill out more. Reviewing and revising my core beliefs becomes interesting! A great class; I would recommend it to everyone.