Diane Bellchambers

Diane Bellchambers holds an honours degree in psychology and is a dream educator, public speaker, columnist and radio consultant with more than twenty-five years’ experience in dream analysis.

She is the author of two books on dreams, The Definitive Dream Dictionary and The First Steps to Dream Power. and Dreamcatching Cards.

Diane has many years as a Dream Consultant and runs practical dream training sessions helping people harness the dreaming mind to turn problems into solutions.

Diane says, “During sleep we connect with a deeper part of ourselves that offers practical insights, new ideas and healing. If it’s on your mind the dreaming mind will be solving it and with a bit of “know how” you can dream your way to Success!”


Diane is a life-long student of spiritual psychology and philosophy.

Much of Diane’s work has been involved in training people such as counsellors to harness the dreaming mind and turn problems into solutions. Diane visits us from Adelaide.