Carolyn Wilson

Carolyn Wilson has presented courses on Drawing on The Right Side of The Brain for 20 years. Carolyn WilsonRather than give any other details about her we believe the comments below describe her qualities as an effective teacher perfectly.

Definitely a course worth doing! Amazing once you know how… pity it is not taught to kids – could you imagine what results we would all be creating? Thank you Carolyn I learnt so much.

What a lovely course. I was amazed at how much everyone has improved – great skills for life.

A fantastic course; well developed and Carolyn was fantastic and motivating – kind and experienced. I wish it could have gone on longer.

Fantastic! A great way to look at the world, my life and others. It has changed my patterns of thinking and also really allowed me to enjoy art/drawing and giving things a go.

I really enjoyed this course. My ability has been hugely enhanced since doing these lessons – I’m hooked!

I find the course structure quite brilliant – each new skill following on to aid the next Skill. Carolyn is a wonderful teacher, very helpful and caring and nurturing of personal creativity.

This has been a wonderful, wonderful course. Carolyn is a fantastic teacher and makes everyone feel that they are capable of anything so long as we apply ourselves enough. It has certainly opened my world to how much is put into creating anything and has helped me to see beauty in so many more things. Thank you very much. I will probably be back to do the course again sometime when I have time to do my homework and therefore will get even more out of my right side.

This course was truly amazing! Carolyn is a wonderful teacher, assisting everyone. It was lots of fun and very practical and very enjoyable. I would highly recommend it.

To view Carolyn’s upcoming courses click here  and enter Carolyn Wilson in the Search.